
Southern Savo’s local museums | Authors

Website maintenance

Jorma Hytönen/Riihisaari – Savonlinna Museum | jorma.hytonen(at)

History of the museum portal

In 2006–2007, a project co-funded by the European Union was carried out in Savonlinna provincial museum in order to develop activities in and cooperation between the local museums in Southern Savo. The funding was received through the Regional Council of South Savo. The aim of the project was to create a development strategy and programme for the local museums in the region, start regional cooperation between museums, encourage the use of local museums by, for instance, the tourism sector, and also make the cultural heritage connected with museums more accessible for the public.

One of the outcomes of the project is the museum website that aims at enhancing the noticeability and familiarity of local museums, strengthening their marketing and also making known the cultural heritage preserved by them.

In addition to the introduction section of the different museums in Southern Savo published on the website in 2007, the site contained web exhibition The Elements of Southern Savo, accompanied with several exhibitions on one of the four elements, water: Vedenkuljetus (Transportation of water) in 2009; Kaivo (The Well) in 2011 and Kaivonkatsoja (The water diviner) in 2013.

In 2020, further web exhibitions were published: Tarinoita syvästä idästä (Stories from the deep East), part 1 (Veera Konsti) and Vanhan kaupungintalon tarina (The story of the old Town Hall) (Toini Kurimo and Kirsti Kukkonen/Nälkälinnanmäki-Seura ry). In 2021, the web exhibition Kylpylaitoksesta terveyskylpyläksi (from St Olav Spa to Savonlinna Health Spa) was published as Savonlinna Provincial Museum’s own production.

Vuodenkierto (Annual cycle), a common yearbook of the museums has been published since 2010.

The Finnish sections of the website have been updated in 2020, when a new section introducing programmatic museum work was published. The English sections have been updated in 2021.

Southern Savo’s local museums

Produced by

– Savonlinna Provincial Museum/A Development Project for the Museum Activities and Cooperation of the Local Museums in Southern Savo | 2006–2007
– Savonlinna Provincial Museum | 2020–2021


– Susanna Tyrväinen, Mikko Aho and Kirsti Makkonen/Savonlinna Provincial Museum | 2006–2007
– Saija Veijalainen and Jorma Hytönen/Savonlinna Provincial Museum | 2020–2021


Riihisaari – Savonlinna Museum/Mikko Aho, Susanna Tyrväinen, Raimo Paajanen, Sakari Mustonen, Pekka Turtiainen, Jorma Hytönen and Anssi Taskinen
The Mikkeli City Museums/Jorma Hytönen, A. M. Sikanen Harri, Heinonen, Tuomas Nalli and Kimmo Iso-Tuisku.
The Finnish Forest Museum Lusto/Timo Kilpeläinen
The Infantry Museum/Markku Riittinen, Riikka Sinokki
The municipality of Hirvensalmi
The municipality of Ristiina/Marja-Liisa Halonen
The municipality of Juva/Heidi Pelkonen, Brita Suokas
Monastery of Valamo
Suur-Savon Sähkö Oy
The municipality of Mäntyharju/Anu Yli-Pyky
The municipality of Puumala/Tuula Vainikka
Säimen-Sönkkä kyläyhdistys/Kirsti Suniala
Käpy Tarus
The municipality of Joroinen/Kati Arola, Netta Sauri
Matti Pylvänäinen
Risto Hämäläinen
The City of Mikkeli/Harri Kaipainen
Juuso Tikkanen
Tapani Lipsanen
Ulla Moilanen
Tapio Penttinen
Pihla Liukkonen
Jake Kukowski
Juha Ruohonen
Johanna Kuusisto

Websites designed by

– Content Bakery, Lappeenranta | 2006–2007
– Saija Veijalainen/Savonlinna Provincial Museum | 2020–2021


– Konjunktuuri Oy, Varkaus | 2007, 2011
– Käännös-Aazet Oy (Translation Agency Aazet Ltd), Helsinki | 2017
– Tulkkaus- ja käännöskeskus Professional Oy (Interpretation and Translation Center Professional Ltd), Helsinki | 2019
– Saija Veijalainen and Tarja Säily/Savonlinna Provincial Museum, Kielipaja Hannu Hakala | 2021
– Pekka Pirinen/Riihisaari – Savonlinna Museum | 2022, 2024

The elements of Southern Savo

Produced by

– Savonlinna Provincial Museum, A Development Project for the Museum Activities and Cooperation of the Local Museums in Southern Savo | 2006–2007
– Savonlinna Provincial Museum | 2020–2021


– Susanna Tyrväinen, Mikko Aho and Kirsti Makkonen/Savonlinna Provincial Museum | 2006–2007
– Saija Veijalainen and Jorma Hytönen/Savonlinna Provincial Museum | 2020–2021


Mikko Aho/Savonlinna Provincial Museum | 2006–2007


Savonlinna Provincial Museum/Mikko Aho, Susanna Tyrväinen, Raimo Paajanen, Sakari Mustonen
Mikkeli Museum Office/ Emmi Eronen, Jorma Hytönen and A. M. Sikanen
The Finnish Forest Museum Lusto and the Forest Information Centre/Timo Kilpeläinen
The Infantry Museum
The municipality of Hirvensalmi
The municipality of Ristiina/Marja-Liisa Halonen
The municipality of Juva/Heidi Pelkonen
Monastery of Valamo
Suur-Savon Sähkö Oy
The municipality of Puumala
Riitta Kiljunen

Websites designed by

– Content Bakery, Lappeenranta | 2006–2007
– Saija Veijalainen/Savonlinna Provincial Museum | 2020–2021


– Konjunktuuri Oy, Varkaus | 2007, 2011

Last modified: 5 Jun 2024

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