Museums in Southern Savonia

Museums in Southern Savo

– Recording the region's history as well as cultural and architectural heritage

Amphibious aircraft Republic from Punkaharju, glass bottles from Tichanoff & Sons Trading House in Enonkoski, Romu-Heikki’s storehouse from Kerimäki, Kettu-Mikko’s shoes reinforced with metal from Ristiina, tar steamer Mikko from Savonlinna, cine films by Hannu Heilio from Mäntyharju, windmill from Haukivuori, long stem tobacco pipes from Rantasalmi, Helena Mänty’s hope chest from Pertunmaa, Säimen watermill from Savonranta, broad axe from Sulkava, priest’s bench from Virtasalmi, Adam Solkia’s sports prizes from Suomenniemi, concrete dugout shelter from Puumala, wood carving axe used in building the first church of Jäppilä, the Saloon Car of Marshal Mannerheim from Mikkeli, chimneyless hut (savupirtti) from Kangasniemi, the rowing boat of Ahti Karjalainen (a well-known Finnish politician) from Hirvensalmi, and a shunting locomotive Vk12 from Pieksämäki.



There are 12 municipalities in Southern Savo with a total of 37 museums, museum sites and exhibitions.

You can visit museums by city or municipality and by topic.


The ancient Greeks believed that the cosmos consisted of four elements: fire, earth, air, and water. 

Authors | Last modified: 17 Jun 2024

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