The Säimen Mill Museum

The Säimen Mill Museum

The Säimen Mill is located in the village of Säimen in Savonlinna. The Savonranta municipality was annexed to the city of Savonlinna in the beginning of 2009. A mill has stood in the same location since 1880. The current mill building, which was operational up until 1960, is from 1937. The Säimen River, which runs next to the mill was harnessed to supply energy to the mill and the electricityproducing generator. The Savonranta Association rented the mill from the municipality to use as a museum in 1978. The mill is owned by the Savonrannan kehittämissäätiö foundation.

The mill building has the majority of the wood machinery and the tools used when doing work at the milk on display. The mill building, which serves as a local heritage museum, also has exhibitions with log-driving, forestry and household artefacts.

In addition to the mill, the museum grounds have other buildings, as well, that have been moved from other parts of Savonranta. A building called Airaan tupa next to the mill depicts the rather modest living arrangements that were normal in the town. The grounds also have a smoke sauna, a smithy with its tools and a stable building that has artefacts related to horses and their uses, to men’s and women’s handicrafts and craftwork and to farming on display. The last building brought to the grounds is a restored milk-collecting platform from the 1950s.

Nearby, there is a nature trail with a “laavu”, a lean-to style camping shelter

Open 2024

Jul 1st–31st
Mon–Fri 10am–3pm

Changing exhibitions and events 2024

Church Mill, Jul 21st 4pm


Free admissions


Ulla Lindell/Savonranta
Tel. +358 (0)400 760 383

Tel. +358 (0)500 257 211

Address & Map

Sönkäntie 17


Postal address: The Säimen Mill Museum, c/o Ulla Lindell, Tyniläntie 35, 58360 Säimen

Last modified: 26 Jun 2024

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